#liveoutward is an initiative to encourage all believers to Reach, Teach & Unleash.  Reach so the lost are found, Teach so the found are equipped, and Unleash so the equipped are sent.

Engage those who do not have a relationship with Jesus with simple acts of kindness to prompt spiritual conversations and point them toward a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Each month, you will receive a different challenge to assist in connecting with people in your life who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.

For each week in the month of May, give someone a gift card or handmade gift. The goal is to help them, to treat them, and to show that you care. Do what you are financially able to do, but intentionally stretch yourself. Show someone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus that you care. Show that you listen to what they say by remembering details about what they love or what they need. Earn the opportunity to share the gospel.



Download or print this month’s calendar to help you reach those in your circle of influence.


    • Who can I recall small details about to give them a gift?
    • How can I use a small gift to earn an opportunity to share the gospel?
    • How can my gift alleviate a need or a stressful situation in their life?
    • Can my gift help them to have special experiences with their children or grandchildren?
    • Who do I know has a favorite restaurant or coffee shop or meal?
    • As I am out and about, can I pay for a stranger’s meal and strike up conversation?
    • What do they do? Do they have a church home?


Use your devices

Download screensavers for your mobile phone, desktop or tablet to remind you each month to #liveoutward.


Trouble sharing Jesus?

Join the next Sharing Jesus without it Being Awkward training to help you navigate Gospel conversations in everyday life.